Randy Angella, 1947-2021, built hand-crafted classical and flamenco guitars, custom-made to the player's hands, stature, and style. Played in concert halls worldwide by some of the most talented players that have ever lived. Click the memorial link up above for the latest on his upcoming memorial, 5pm October 23, 2021, in Concord, California.

“During the past 32 years of guitar building my guitars have evolved as my appreciation and understanding of the music has changed. At the heart of my building there has always been the desire to produce guitars that allow the performer to express himself without regard to any limitations the guitar may impose.”

– Randy Angella


July 18, 2018


July 18, 2018

Looking for Wood

July 18, 2018


July 18, 2018

It's hard for me to imagine your improving on your best previous work. Those guitars have got what other luthiers are spending their lives looking for. Just make more of them.

Michael LorimerConcert Classical Guitarist and Teacher

It's gorgeous. Outstanding, clear, balanced, forceful, ringing, pianistic instrument, already; and will be my mainstay for a long time to come. It does everything I want, and responds intelligently, with dignity. It's even strongly built, unlike some of the graham crackers out there.

Douglas KincadeClassical Guitar Player

I will say for the price this may be one of the best guitars I've had... Very old school guitar and great.... Did I say that before? It's new and has to be played. Looks like a Hauser on the outside and a Fleta on the inside.

Bridge Guitars

Hearing Is Believing

A light and feathery weight to the physical body of the guitar belies her raw, explosive power. Set up to play classical or flamenco, with beautiful sustain, you can hear the growl of the trebles smoothly layered and voiced with the Basses.

Richard F. Savage performs Fernando Sor’s op. 35 no. 8 Audio and Video by Dan Bouza

Savage Classical Guitars

Est. 1972

Thank you for listening

Memorial for Randy Angella (1947-2021)

October 23rd, 2021 at 5pm (until late)

We will be holding a very personal celebration of Randy’s life at his home in Concord, CA. Friends, family, players, fellow luthiers, artists, are all welcome to join us in remembering his amazing life. Players are free to play Randy’s guitars as they please. Randy’s favorite listening drink, scotch, will be served as well.

Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served outside. A special walk-through of his infamous workshop will be available for all to enjoy and remember.

We look forward to seeing you there.